
Mastering Protection Sales with Matt Chapman (The Protection Coach)

Mastering Protection Sales with Matt Chapman (The Protection Coach)

Ready to Revolutionise Your Protection Sales?

In this week’s NRG Insights, we’re celebrating our 50th episode with Matt Chapman, The Protection Coach.

Whether you’re a large brokerage or a small firm, Matt’s insights on protection sales are invaluable.

In this episode, Marcus Nanson sits down with Matt Chapman to discuss practical methods for integrating protection sales into your brokerage’s offering. You’ll learn about building financial resilience, maintaining consistent practices, and fostering strong client relationships.

Who is Matt Chapman?

Matt Chapman is a multi-award-winning protection coach and the host of the #LetsTalkIP podcast.

With a career spanning various roles in financial services, Matt has worked with some of the largest brokerages in the UK, as well as smaller firms and high-performing individuals.

His approach focuses on revolutionising protection performance, providing training, and fostering client relationships. Living in Solihull with his wife and three children, Matt is also an avid snowboarder and traveller, speaking fluent Spanish from his 10 years living in Spain.

5 Tips That Guarantee More Protection Sales

  1. Financial Resilience Matt emphasises the importance of shifting the focus from merely selling insurance to ensuring clients’ financial sustainability. This approach not only adds value to your services but also builds long-term trust with clients.
  2. Consistency in Practices Successful advisors embed protection conversations throughout the mortgage process rather than treating them as separate discussions. By integrating these talks from the beginning, clients better understand the importance of protection.
  3. Build Strong Client Relationships Maintaining regular contact with clients through annual reviews and consistent touchpoints helps reduce policy cancellations. Building strong, ongoing relationships ensures clients feel valued and supported, which leads to higher retention rates.
  4. Highlighting Value Over Cost Focusing on the long-term benefits of protection policies rather than just the cost helps clients see the value in what they are purchasing. This perspective reduces the likelihood of cancellations and increases client satisfaction.
  5. A Culture of Protection: Creating a culture within your brokerage that prioritises protection is essential. By fostering an environment where protection is seen as a fundamental part of the service, rather than an optional extra, you ensure that all team members are committed to discussing and promoting it with every client. This cultural shift can lead to higher adoption rates and better client outcomes.

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Building a Career in Bridging with Leanne Ardron

Building a Career in Bridging with Leanne Ardron

Are you aiming to build a successful career in bridging finance?

In this post, we delve into the experiences and strategies of Leanne Ardron, Director of Bridging at LendInvest.

From her career beginnings to her current role, Leanne shares valuable insights that can help anyone looking to thrive in the specialist finance industry.

She discusses the current state of the industry, the importance of company culture, the technological advancements driving change and explains how anyone can build a successful career in bridging.

Who is Leanne Ardron?

Leanne Ardron has dedicated 15 years to the specialist finance industry. Leanne joined LendInvest in 2012 as the third employee and has played a crucial role in the company’s growth. Now, as Director of Bridging, she oversees the entire bridging proposition, focusing on short-term lending.

Her accolades include being part of the B&C Power List for 2023, involvement in the BDLA, and serving on LendInvest’s Senior Leadership Team. Leanne’s leadership has driven key milestones, including launching the bridging portal and achieving record numbers in short-term lending.

5 Take-Aways To Succeed in Bridging Finance

  1. Culture:
    A positive, entrepreneurial culture is vital. Leanne credits LendInvest’s success to its strong culture, regular company updates, and initiatives like “brown bag” sessions that keep the team engaged and informed.
  2. Technology:
    Embracing technological advancements is crucial. LendInvest’s use of Automated Valuation Models (AVMs) and electronic signatures has streamlined processes, enhancing efficiency and client satisfaction.
  3. Supportive Employee Environment:
    Clear communication and setting boundaries are key to maintaining productivity and well-being. Leanne’s return from maternity leave highlights the importance of a supportive and flexible work environment.
  4. Vision and Leadership:
    The growth of LendInvest from a small team to a major operation underscores the value of clear vision and strong leadership. Leanne emphasises the need for focus and the willingness to take calculated risks.
  5. Adaptability:
    Leanne’s career began unexpectedly in financial services. Her ability to adapt and excel in various roles highlights the importance of being open to new opportunities and ready to pivot when needed.

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The Future of Buy To Let Mortgages with Harsha Dahyea

The Future of Buy To Let Mortgages with Harsha Dahyea

How can lenders keep up with creative buy-to-let landlords?

Buy-to-let landlords are getting more creative than ever.

But the question remains – can lenders keep up?

This week, NRG Insights dives into the mortgage industry with Harsha Dahyea from Quantum Mortgages.

Harsha shares her experience and insights, offering lessons for brokers, lenders, and anyone involved in the property market. She discuss the current state of the mortgage industry, focusing specifically on the buy-to-let corner of the market.

Who is Harsha Dahyea?

Harsha Dahyea is the Head of Sales and Distribution at Quantum Mortgages.

With extensive experience in the specialist mortgage market, Harsha has been instrumental in launching mortgage propositions at Bluestone Mortgages, Metro Bank, and State Bank of India.

During the start-up phase at Bluestone, she became a highly successful Key Account Manager, winning a major network’s BDM of the Year award in 2018, 2019, and 2020.

5 Lessons Specialist Lenders Can Learn from Harsha Dahyea

  1. Innovative Strategies for Buy-to-Let Landlords
    The buy-to-let market is evolving, with landlords becoming increasingly creative in managing their portfolios. Lenders need to adapt by offering flexible and innovative products that meet these new demands.
  2. Embracing Technology
    Technology is transforming the mortgage process. From open banking to AI-driven KYC checks, embracing tech can streamline operations and enhance the customer journey. Harsha emphasises that while technology is crucial, maintaining a human touch is equally important.
  3. Understanding Market Trends
    Staying ahead of market trends is vital for success. Harsha highlights the importance of understanding shifting demographics and the changing needs of landlords. Keeping ontop of these trends allows lenders to offer relevant solutions.
  4. Building Strong Broker Relationships
    Strong relationships with brokers are essential. Harsha’s success as a Key Account Manager demonstrates the value of collaboration and trust. Lenders should focus on building and maintaining strong partnerships with brokers to ensure mutual success.
  5. Leadership and Learning
    Continuous learning and strong leadership are key to navigating the complexities of the mortgage market. Harsha advises lenders to invest in training and development for their teams, ensuring they stay informed and capable of meeting market challenges.

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The Numbers Behind New Build Mortgages with Gemma Perry

The Numbers Behind New Build Mortgages with Gemma Perry

Are New Build Mortgages Your Next Great Opportunity?

In the latest episode of NRG Insights, we were joined by Gemma Perry, Operations Director at Acumen Mortgages.

We dive into the challenges she faced in the new build sector, Acumen’s effective employee retention strategies, the evolving mortgage market, and the growing importance of digital marketing and social media.

From her unique career path to the current trends in the new build mortgage market, Gemma offers plenty of practical advice and strategies for brokers and professionals in finance.

Who is Gemma Perry?

Gemma Perry is the Operations Director at Acumen Mortgages.

Gemma Perry has been working in finance since 2007 and specialising in new build mortgages for nearly ten years. With her expertise, Acumen Mortgages has grown from a North West-based business to a national company. Gemma focuses on developing relationships with builders and lenders, improving customer experience, and sharing knowledge. She also manages the compliance side of the business, ensuring protection for both advisers and clients.

Living in Cheshire with her husband and dog, Gemma enjoys hiking, good food, wine, and spending time with family and friends.

5 Things to Learn from Gemma Perry

  1. Your Journey Is Your Own: Gemma’s career path is unconventional. She skipped university, traveled, and entered the job market post the 2008 financial crash. Her experiences shaped her unique approach to the mortgage industry.
  2. Challenges in the New Build Sector: Gemma shares insights into the new build market, highlighting the importance of maintaining robust relationships with builders and lenders. She discusses the specific challenges and dynamics of this sector.
  3. Employee Retention Strategies: Acumen’s strategy focuses on loyalty and efficiency. Even during tough economic times, they resist redundancies, showcasing a model for strong employee retention.
  4. Evolving Mortgage Market: The mortgage market is shifting towards financial education and inclusivity in hiring. Gemma emphasises the benefits of bringing fresh, younger perspectives into the industry.
  5. Digital Marketing and Social Media: Gemma highlights the increasing importance of a strong digital presence. Adapting to the changing expectations of new generations entering the workforce is crucial for staying relevant in the market.

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6 Proven Ways to Boost Team Happiness and Productivity

6 Proven Ways to Boost Team Happiness and Productivity

The mortgage and lending industry has faced its share of challenges in recent years. 

Economic ups and downs, new regulations, and market shifts have made this a stressful field to work in.

That’s why it’s more important than ever to create a happy and productive work environment. Happy employees are more engaged, motivated, and productive.

In fact, research from the University of Warwick found that happiness led to a 12% increase in productivity. Additionally, the Harvard Business Review reports that happy employees are 31% more productive.

So, to help you get the most from your team, here are six proven strategies to boost team happiness and productivity in your brokerage.

Let’s get started…

1. Promote Work-Life Balance

Balancing work and personal life is crucial for a happy, hardworking, and de-stressed team. Here’s how you can encourage it.

Flexible Working Hours: Allow employees to set their own hours within a certain range to manage personal commitments better. This can increase job satisfaction and reduce burnout.

Remote Work Options: Let employees work from home one or two days a week. 

Encourage Time Off: Promote the use of holiday days and support employees in taking the time they need to recharge. Time Off shows that employees who take all their holiday days are 34% more likely to receive a bonus or raise.

2. A Supportive and Inclusive Culture

Creating a supportive and inclusive work environment is essential for employee happiness and productivity.

Open Communication: Encourage an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns. 

Diversity and Inclusion Programmes: Implement initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion, ensuring all employees feel valued and respected. A diverse team brings varied perspectives and can drive innovation.

3. Recognise and Reward Contributions

Recognising and rewarding employees for their hard work can significantly boost morale and motivation.

Regular Recognition: Implement a system for regular recognition of employee achievements, such as monthly awards or shout-outs in meetings. This shows employees that their efforts are valued.

Monetary Rewards: Provide bonuses, gift cards, or other financial incentives for outstanding performance. 

Growth Opportunities: Offer opportunities for career advancement, such as promotions, skill development programmes, and leadership training. Investing in your employees’ growth shows that you value their future with the company.

4. Build a Team that Fits the Company Culture

Hiring individuals who align with your company’s values and vision is crucial for driving your brokerage forward.

Behavioural Testing: Use behavioural testing to understand how potential hires might fit into your company culture. This can help you make informed hiring decisions.

Comprehensive Recruitment: Reach the entire available market—not just those who are unemployed or actively seeking jobs. Sometimes the best candidates are not actively looking. Working with a recruitment company specialising in mortgage brokers can help you find the perfect fit.

Team-Building Activities: Organise regular team-building activities to strengthen relationships and improve teamwork. These activities can help create a cohesive and collaborative work environment.

5. Employee Training

Your team is your most valuable asset. Regular training ensures they stay up-to-date with the latest financial tools and customer service best practices.

Continuous Learning: Encourage employees to pursue professional certifications and ongoing education. This helps them stay current with industry trends and enhances their skills.

Training Programmes: Offer ongoing training and development opportunities. Regular workshops, webinars, and courses can help employees improve their competencies.

Mentorship Schemes: Implement mentorship programmes where experienced employees can guide and support newer team members. This fosters knowledge sharing and professional growth.

6. Workplace Flexibility

Providing workplace flexibility can greatly improve employee satisfaction and productivity. It allows employees to balance their work and personal lives more effectively.

Remote Work Options: Allow employees to work from home one or two days a week. This flexibility can lead to higher job satisfaction and lower stress levels.

Flexible Working Hours: Let employees choose their working hours within a certain range. This helps them manage personal and professional responsibilities better, reducing burnout.

Supportive Policies: Implement policies that support flexible working arrangements. Ensure that employees feel trusted and valued when working flexibly.


Creating a positive work environment is not just about about being a popular boss.  

Happy employees work harder. 

By promoting work-life balance, fostering a supportive culture, recognising contributions, building a strong team, investing in training, and encouraging workplace flexibility, you can significantly enhance your team’s happiness and productivity. 

Embrace these strategies to future-proof your brokerage and thrive in the competitive mortgage and lending industry.

If you’re committed to hiring high-quality, behaviourally suited talent, let’s connect and discuss how we can redefine your recruitment process, ensuring each new hire is not just an addition but a lasting asset to your mortgage business.

If you’re seeking a new role, or are searching for new talent, please click on the appropriate link to book a call with me today.

nadia knight


Innovation and Mentorship in Mortgages with Jamie Lewis

Innovation and Mentorship in Mortgages with Jamie Lewis

How do financial leaders thrive through crises and market changes?

In this episode of NRG Insights, we chat with Jamie Lewis, founder of Affinity Mortgages, and an expert in the mortgage industry.

Jamie shares his career experiences, the challenges he’s faced, and his strategies for success in the future of the market.

Who is Jamie Lewis?

Jamie Lewis started his career over 20 years ago as a mortgage broker in an estate agency. Jamie founded Affinity in 2007 and despite the challenges of the 2008 financial crisis, has kept the business going ever since. His leadership has guided the company through tough times, expanding into various niches like private banking and business protection.

Jamie’s collaborative approach and dedication to mentorship have been key to his success. He is actively involved in the Industry Panel for Financial Advice (IPFA), which brings together top firms to share insights and tackle industry challenges.

5 Key Takeaways from Jamie Lewis

  1. Balancing Innovation: Jamie’s emphasises embracing new technologies without losing the personal touch. AI and new tech offers great opportunities so long as it the human side of your business is not lost.
  2. Mentorship: Jamie values mentoring new talent as a critical aspect of industry growth, ensuring that the next generation is well-equipped with knowledge and skills.
  3. Diversifying Client Services: Affinity’s expansion into various financial niches, like private banking and business protection, highlights the significance of diversification for business stability and client satisfaction.
  4. Preparing for anything: Jamie’s strategic planning and foresight, especially during challenging times demonstrate the need for preparation to navigate financial uncertainties.
  5. Motivating with Collaboration: Jamie’s collaborative approach, particularly through his involvement with IPFA, underscores the importance of teamwork and collective wisdom in motivating teams and addressing industry challenges.

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Balancing Health and Success with Lorenzo Satchell

Balancing Health and Success with Lorenzo Satchell

Have you ever felt overwhelmed or stressed by the demands of your job?

Balancing a high-stress career with personal well-being is a challenge many face.

In this episode of NRG Insights, we talk with Lorenzo Satchell, Sales Director for the Bridging team at Hampshire Trust Bank.

With over 30 years in financial services, Lorenzo shares his professional experiences and personal challenges.

His story shows what can happen if life and work fall out of balance, and how anyone can balance career success and personal well-being.

Who is Lorenzo Satchell?

Lorenzo Satchell is the Sales Director for Hampshire Trust Bank’s short-term (bridging) lending business. With over 30 years in UK property finance, Lorenzo has worked with various specialist lenders, packagers, and as a broker. His leadership and deep knowledge of the bridging industry make him a key figure in short-term lending.

Lorenzo is dedicated to improving the speed, smoothness, and professionalism of the industry.

He lives in Surrey with his wife and daughter.

Recently, he faced a health scare that underscored the importance of self-care and openly discussing health and mental health.

5 Key Takeaways from Lorenzo Satchell

1. Balancing Health and Career: Lorenzo stresses the need for regular health check-ups and paying attention to one’s body, especially for those in high-stress jobs.

2. Adaptability in the Mortgage Industry: Facing market challenges like rising interest rates requires adaptability and resilience, as demonstrated by Lorenzo’s team at HTB.

3. Mental Health Matters: Lorenzo shares the emotional toll of dealing with health issues while managing a high-stress job, highlighting the importance of mental health and steady recovery processes.

4. Leadership with Empathy: Lorenzo’s experience as both a broker and lender has shaped his empathetic leadership style, understanding the challenges faced by brokers.

5. Prioritising Well-being: Lorenzo emphasises creating a work culture that prioritises mental health and sustainable work practices over relentless productivity.

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We are always open to collaborations with NRG Insights, feel free to get in touch on info@nrg-resourcing.co.uk


How to Build a Successful Mortgage Brokerage Partnership with Helix Financial

How to Build a Successful Mortgage Brokerage Partnership with Helix Financial

How did two friends turn a shared vision into a thriving business?

Starting a business partnership in finance is tough, but Dave and Adam, founders of Helix Financial, made it work.

Helix Financial officially started in 2021, but Dave and Adam’s partnership began nearly two decades earlier at Liquid Financial. Their careers took different paths, but their friendship and ambition kept them focused on their goal.

Dave and Adam’s story is one of collaboration, teamwork and strategy. With different finance backgrounds, they combined their skills to create a standout business.

Here’s more about their backgrounds…

Who are the Men Behind Helix Financial?

Adam Stiles

Adam’s finance career began after a variety of jobs, including gardening, tree surgery, and working at a chamber of commerce. His boss suggested he switch to financial services, leading him to a firm in the City where he met Dave in 2007. After stints at a property fund and a mortgage firm, Adam co-founded Helix Financial with Dave.

A career highlight was being quoted on page 2 of the Financial Times after the Truss/Kwarteng budget.

Dave Turner

Dave started in finance at a high-pressure West End brokerage. After the firm collapsed due to regulatory changes, Dave joined another London brokerage where he met Adam. Later, he moved to City Mortgage Solutions, benefiting from top mentors. In 2021, he co-founded Helix Financial with Adam.

5 Strategies To Learn from Dave and Adam for Future Partners

  1. Leverage Complementary Skills: Combining expertise in different areas of finance can create a stronger business. Dave and Adam’s skills in regulated and unregulated markets made Helix Financial versatile.
  2. Timing is Crucial: Knowing when to start a business is key. For Dave and Adam, 2021 was the right time due to their experience and contacts.
  3. Embrace Strategic Planning: Planning, including lead generation and IT infrastructure, is essential. Their strategic approach kept them on track.
  4. Value of Coaching: External guidance through business coaching provides structure and accountability. Dave and Adam found coaching invaluable when setting up their partnership.
  5. Collaborate: A fun and supportive work environment enhances team performance. Helix Financial’s focus on flexibility and teamwork is central to their success.

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We are always open to collaborations with NRG Insights, feel free to get in touch on info@nrg-resourcing.co.uk


Revolutionising Specialist Lending Through Tech with Ian Humphreys

Revolutionising Specialist Lending Through Tech with Ian Humphreys

Is enough of your time going on your most lucrative tasks?

As a broker, your most valuable work is prospecting for new customers. But how many days a week are you spending on this?

If it’s not almost all of them, you might want to reconsider how you’re managing your time.

In the latest episode of NRG Insights, we sit down with Ian Humphreys, CEO of Brickflow, to discuss how technology is changing the landscape of property finance.

Ian’s journey from being a property finance broker and developer to founding Brickflow offers insights for brokers and financial professionals.

Who is Ian Humphreys?

Ian Humphreys is the founder and CEO of Brickflow, a digital marketplace for specialist property finance.

Ian’s mission is to revolutionise the funding process, making it quicker, easier, and more accessible for everyone involved.

Before Brickflow, Ian worked as a property finance broker and developer, giving him firsthand experience with the challenges of securing funding in a traditionally opaque market.

His vision is to leverage technology to enhance connectivity, efficiency, transparency, and growth in the commercial real estate industry.

5 Things to Learn from Ian Humphreys

  1. Adaptability is Crucial: Ian’s career shift from property finance broker to tech entrepreneur highlights the importance of adapting to industry changes.
  2. Embrace Technology: Brickflow’s success demonstrates how digital tools can streamline complex processes and improve efficiency.
  3. Transparency Matters: Using technology to create a more transparent funding process benefits both brokers and clients.
  4. Focus on Core Tasks: Ian emphasises the importance of spending more time on high-value activities, like client prospecting.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Ian’s story underscores the value of continually seeking better ways to do things, whether through technology or new business strategies.

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We are always open to collaborations with NRG Insights, feel free to get in touch on info@nrg-resourcing.co.uk


7 Ways To Future-Proof Your Brokerage

7 Ways To Future-Proof Your Brokerage

How future-proof is your brokerage?

With approximately 20% of new businesses failing within their first two years, 45% within five years, and a staggering 65% closing their doors within the first ten years (according to data from the BLS). 

Only 25% of the businesses that you see around you today will make it to 15 years or more.

Financial services businesses, like your brokerage, are particularly vulnerable to factors beyond your control—economic fluctuations, interest rate changes, and shifting market dynamics can all impact the demand for mortgages and property purchases. 

Given these external uncertainties, future-proofing your brokerage is essential for survival.

In this blog, I’ll share seven ways to future-proof your brokerage. Let’s get started…

1. AI and Technology

Technology is transforming every industry, and brokerages are included. 

AI can automate tasks and improve efficiency, allowing brokers to analyse customer data, make accurate predictions about potential risks, and expedite the overall loan approval process.

However, AI cannot fully replace the personal touch that human brokers provide. While AI can handle specific tasks efficiently, it cannot replicate the empathy that comes from human interaction. 

The future of mortgage brokering will likely involve a partnership between AI and humans, where technology handles the efficiency while humans focus on personalisation and relationship building.

Incorporating AI in your brokerage can help you stay ahead of the competition, improve operational efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction.

2. Diversification

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Instead of solely focusing on generating new leads, which can be expensive and time-consuming, consider broadening your product range. 

This strategy allows you to meet more of your clients’ needs, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty while expanding your customer base.

By offering a variety of financial solutions, such as residential and commercial mortgages, equipment finance, insurance, and wealth planning, you create a one-stop shop for your clients. 

This not only keeps them within your network but also encourages repeat business and referrals, contributing to your brokerage’s long-term success.

3. Customer Experience

A great customer experience can set you apart from the competition. 

One of the most crucial aspects of providing effective customer service is responsive communication. Customers value prompt replies to emails, phone calls, and texts. By responding quickly, you show that you value their time and are committed to providing excellent service.

Encourage your brokers to add personal touches in their interactions with clients too. Being human and relatable can make a significant difference. Remembering and acknowledging important details about a client’s situation can help build trust and loyalty.

Utilise Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to personalise interactions and keep track of client preferences and history. 

Personal touches like these can significantly boost client satisfaction and loyalty, helping your brokerage stand out in a competitive market.

4. A Strong Team 

Building a team that aligns with your company’s values and vision is crucial to driving your brokerage forward.

To achieve this, it’s important to consider more than skills and experience on a CV but also cultural fit during the hiring process.

Behavioural testing can be a valuable tool in understanding how potential hires might align with your company culture. This can help you make informed decisions and build a cohesive team.

When recruiting, try to reach the entire available market too—not just those who are unemployed or actively seeking jobs. Sometimes the best fit won’t see your job ad. 

That’s why it’s a good idea to work with a recruitment company like NRG Resourcing, who specialises in hiring mortgage brokers. We can help you find the perfect candidates who may not be actively looking but would be the ideal addition to your team.

 5. Training

Your team is your most valuable asset. 

Regular training ensures that they are up-to-date with the latest financial tools and customer service best practices. 

Continuous learning is key to growth. A well-trained team can adapt quickly to industry changes and provide better service to your clients.

Investing in your team’s development not only enhances their skills but also contributes to the long-term success of your brokerage. 

By creating a culture of learning, you ensure that your team remains bought in to your company, knowledgeable, motivated, and ready to tackle the challenges of an ever-evolving industry.

6. An Online Presence

Having a strong online presence is essential. 

Optimise your website for search engines to increase visibility and ensure it’s mobile-friendly. Engage with clients through social media to build a community and establish your brand as a trusted resource.

Regularly posting informative content on social media and engaging with followers can increase your reach and will attract clients to your company in the long term. 

Remember, your content and your brokerage’s brand are one and the same today, so align your brand messaging with everything you post and take care to keep the quality high, so that it is informative and engaging for your brokerage’s followers. 

7. A Clear Direction

A clear aim and direction help align your team and attract clients who share your vision. 

Define long-term goals and strategic objectives, and ensure they are communicated clearly to all employees.

For instance, if your goal is to become the leading commercial mortgage broker in your area, outline the steps needed to achieve this and keep your team focused on this objective. 

Regularly review and adjust your goals to stay on track.


Future-proofing your brokerage is not a luxury—it’s a necessity. 

With the high rate of new business failures and the unique vulnerabilities faced by financial services, taking proactive steps to secure your brokerage’s future is crucial. 

By incorporating advanced technology, diversifying your services, enhancing customer experience, building a strong and culturally aligned team, investing in continuous training, maintaining a robust online presence, and setting a clear direction for your business, you can navigate uncertainties and set your brokerage on a path to long-term success.

Stay ahead of the curve, and your brokerage will continue to grow and succeed.

If you’re committed to hiring high-quality, behaviourally suited talent, let’s connect and discuss how we can redefine your recruitment process, ensuring each new hire is not just an addition but a lasting asset to your mortgage business.

If you’re seeking a new role, or are searching for new talent, please click on the appropriate link to book a call with me today.

nadia knight

The UK Mortgage Broker
Salary Guide

Are you earning what you should be? Paying your team too much?

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