
Building Trust in Lending with Jaxon Stevens

Building Trust in Lending with Jaxon Stevens

How can you build a lasting career in lending?

In this blog we focus on an episode of NRG Insights where Marcus Nanson CeMAP sat down with Jaxon Stevens from Tuscan Capital to explore his growth, development and top tips in the lending industry.

In this post, we’ll focus on the very best parts of the conversation, including the full video and audio versions. Jaxon shares a wealth of experience, from his early days in high street banking to leading the sales team at Tuscan Capital. His journey is not just about personal growth but a blueprint for those aiming to carve their path in the lending industry.

Who is Jaxon Stevens?

Jaxon’s career spans over 25 years, cutting across high-profile roles in financial services. From GE Money to NatWest and spearheading sales teams at Omni Property Finance and Sancus Lending. Currently, as the Sales Director at Tuscan Capital, Jaxon continues to push the envelope, fostering business relationships and championing continuous education in the property finance sector.

His expertise in bridging, development, and refurbishment loans makes him a key player in residential and commercial lending spaces.

5 Lessons For Lenders and Brokers…

  1. Networking is Everything: In a field where who you know can be as crucial as what you know, Jaxon underscores the importance of building a robust professional network. These relationships can open doors, provide insights, and support career growth in ways that traditional pathways may not.
  2. Trust as the Foundation: The cornerstone of any lasting business relationship is trust. In lending, where clients and partners rely on your advice and services, establishing trust can mean the difference between a one-time transaction and a lifelong partnership.
  3. Adaptability Leads to Innovation: The lending landscape is ever-changing. Staying adaptable allows professionals to not only navigate these changes but to innovate within them. Jaxon’s transition from traditional banking to specialist financial markets exemplifies how adaptability can lead to new opportunities.
  4. The Value of Specialization: Diving deep into specific financial solutions, like bridging and development loans, Jaxon has carved a niche for himself. This specialisation has not only made him an expert in his field but also a go-to consultant for complex lending scenarios.
  5. Continuous Learning as a Career Strategy: Jaxon’s passion for education is a reminder that learning doesn’t stop once you land a job. Continuous learning and awareness of new market opportunities keep professionals ahead of the curve and ready to seize new opportunities.

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We are always open to collaborations with NRG Insights, feel free to get in touch on info@nrg-resourcing.co.uk


Culture and Success in Lending with Roger Morris

Culture and Success in Lending with Roger Morris

In the fiercely competitive world of lending, standing out requires more than just conventional strategies.

So, how can lending leaders carve a niche for themselves and thrive?

In this week’s post, we dive into the insights of Roger Morris, Director of Mortgage Division Sales and Distribution at Tandem Bank, a man who knows all about innovation and success in the specialist lending market.

If you’re a leader or someone aspiring to become one in the lending industry, Roger’s story is one that you can not miss!

This is why…

Who is Roger Morris?

Roger Morris’s influence in specialist lending spans over thirty years.

Starting with his own venture before the 2008 financial downturn, Roger transitioned to helping build Precise Mortgages into a major market player. Now at Tandem, he focuses on launching and expanding the mortgage division, aiming to educate brokers and champion specialist lending.

His extensive knowledge and dedication to broker education highlight his commitment to fostering growth and recognising potential within the industry.

5 Things Lending Leaders Can Learn…

In a market like specialist lending, insights from seasoned professionals like Roger Morris are invaluable.

Here are five strategies lending leaders can adopt from his knowledge:

  1. Educate to Innovate: Understanding the nuances of specialist lending isn’t just beneficial, it’s crucial. Like Roger, leaders should focus on educating their teams and brokers about the market. This knowledge empowers them to identify and seize opportunities that others might overlook.
  2. Champion Your Sector: Roger’s commitment to specialist lending shows the power of having a cause. By championing a specific segment of the market, leaders can build a strong brand identity and become the go-to expert in their niche.
  3. Embrace the Power of Networking: Training brokers and engaging with the community have been key to Roger’s strategy. Leaders should invest time in building and nurturing these relationships, as they are vital for understanding market needs and driving growth.
  4. Continuous Product Innovation: The lending landscape is ever-evolving. Leaders need to continuously work on expanding and refining their product offerings, much like Roger’s approach at Tandem. Staying ahead of market trends and customer needs can set a lender apart from the competition.
  5. Knowledge is Power: Roger’s encyclopaedic understanding of specialist lending underscores the importance of in-depth market knowledge. Leaders should strive to become lifelong learners, constantly updating their understanding of the market to guide their strategy and decision-making.

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We are always open to collaborations with NRG Insights, feel free to get in touch on info@nrg-resourcing.co.uk


Breaking Mortgage Industry Barriers with Andrea Glasgow

Breaking Mortgage Industry Barriers with Andrea Glasgow

What makes a great leader in the mortgage industry?

In our latest blog, we’re exploring just that with insights from Andrea Glasgow, Sales Director at Hampshire Trust Bank and recent MI’s Elite Winner 2024.

From starting as a cashier to leading one of the most dynamic teams in the specialist market, this podcast with Andrea is a masterclass in effective relationship-building and leadership within the lending industry.

Andrea’s experience sheds light on the power of genuine connections and mentorship in driving both personal and professional growth.

Ready to get started?

Let’s find out more about the woman herself, and the strategies that have propelled her to success.

Who is Andrea Glasgow?

Andrea Glasgow has made significant strides in the financial services sector, starting her journey as a cashier and ascending to the role of Sales Director at Hampshire Trust Bank.

With over 17 years of experience, Andrea has navigated the challenges of a traditionally male-dominated industry. Her role involves leading one of the most respected BDM teams in the specialist market, helping her to the Mortgage Introducer Elite Winner 2024.

Outside of work, Andrea is equally passionate about contributing to her community, whether through volunteering, coaching a netball team, or participating in charity events like the St. Barnabas Hospice 25KM Midnight Walk.

Andrea does her best to balance a demanding career with personal interests such as travel, fitness, and spending time with her family and French Bulldog, Joey.

5 Key Lessons for Lenders:

Andrea Glasgow’s journey and insights offer a masterclass in navigating the finance industry with resilience and ambition. Here are 5 key lessons that lenders and mortgage brokers can take-away from this interview.

  1. Seize Every Opportunity: Climbing from a retail banking cashier to Sales Director underscores the power of seizing opportunities, no matter how small they might seem at the start. Every opportunity is a chance to grow.
  2. Build Strong Relationships: Her emphasis on relationship-building within the industry highlights its importance in securing long-term success and client trust. They say that your network is your net worth, build relationships, so get building.
  3. Embrace Mentorship: Andrea’s experience points to the value of both seeking out mentors and becoming one, showcasing the mutual benefits of guidance and support.
  4. Navigate Gender Dynamics: As an award-winning woman in a traditionally male-dominated field, Andrea’s perspective provides actionable insights into breaking barriers and making your mark.
  5. Balance Work with Personal Passions: Andrea’s involvement in community work and her personal interests outside of finance illustrate the significance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance for overall well-being and satisfaction.

By incorporating these takeaways, lenders and mortgage brokers can enhance their careers and personal development within the fast-paced world of finance.

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We are always open to collaborations with NRG Insights, feel free to get in touch on info@nrg-resourcing.co.uk


5 Strategies to Attract and Retain Women in Finance 2024

5 Strategies to Attract and Retain Women in Finance 2024

Innovation and success in any industry relies on gender diversity.

Despite leaps forward in recent years, corners of the finance industry continue to struggle attracting and retaining female talent, particularly in leadership roles. 

As we move into 2024, it’s crucial that we address this imbalance with targeted strategies that attract and retain women in finance. Creating not just great team members, but role models. 

This post outlines five key approaches that do exactly that. Drawing on our experience as professional recruiters, to draw women into the finance industry and ensure they stay, thrive, and lead.

Let’s get started…

1. Redefining Recruitment

women in finance recruitment

The journey towards gender diversity begins at recruitment. 

Our research indicates that job descriptions often inadvertently appeal more to male candidates. To change this, focus on inclusive language that resonates with female values, such as collaboration and community, while ensuring qualifications are not unnecessarily restrictive. 

By clearly communicating core values and using technology to assess the inclusivity of our job adverts, you can attract a broader, more diverse talent pool.

2. Embracing Flexible Working

Flexibility is no longer a perk but a fundamental expectation, especially for working parents. 

Recognising this, consider flexible working arrangements that accommodate the needs of your employees, irrespective of gender. This approach not only aids in attracting female talent but is essential in retaining them, ensuring that team members do not have to choose between their career and personal life.

Your commitment extends beyond flexible hours to fostering an environment where such choices are respected and supported.

3. Make Female Role Models Visible

female role models

Visibility matters. 

Highlighting the achievements of women in your organisation not only celebrates their contributions but also inspires others. 

By showcasing the diverse paths to success within Finance, you can motivate and encourage women at all levels of their career. 

This strategy is pivotal in building a culture where women see themselves reflected in their leaders and feel a stronger sense of belonging and possibility within the finance industry.

4. Promote Mentorship and Career Development

female leadership recruitment

Access to mentorship and targeted career development opportunities can significantly impact women’s career trajectories in finance. 

By establishing programmes specifically designed to support women, you provide tools and networks necessary for gender diversity. 

These initiatives should be supported by both male and female leaders, ensuring they are inclusive, equitable, and effective in preparing women for leadership roles.

5. Addressing Unconscious Bias

female recruitment in finance

To create a truly inclusive workplace, tackling unconscious bias is essential. 

Through comprehensive training and the use of HR technology, commit to ensuring your hiring practices, promotions, and performance evaluations are fair and unbiased. 

By understanding and mitigating these biases, you can make more informed decisions and foster a culture that truly values diversity and inclusion.


As we look forwards in 2024, these five strategies are at the heart of attracting women into finance and ensuring they feel valued, supported, and empowered to ascend to leadership positions. 

Gender diversity is not just a metric to aspire to, it’s a reflection of your dedication to building an inclusive, dynamic, and innovative finance sector. 

What do you think of these 5 points? Are there any that we may have missed? 

If you’re committed to hiring high-quality, behaviourally suited talent, let’s connect and discuss how we can redefine your recruitment process, ensuring each new hire is not just an addition but a lasting asset to your mortgage business.

If you’re seeking a new role, or are searching for new talent, please click on the appropriate link to book a call with me today.

nadia knight


Health, Hard Work and Success in Lending with Jamie Pritchard

Health, Hard Work and Success in Lending with Jamie Pritchard

It’s rare to find stories, in any industry, that not only inspire but also share valuable lessons.

Jamie Pritchard’s journey in the financial services sector is one that does exactly that.

It’s a story that demonstrates resilience, strategic innovation, and the power of a customer-centric approach.

Whether you’re a lender, a broker, or someone ambitiously working through the complexities of the financial industry, Jamie’s insights offer a roadmap to not just surviving but thriving in this competitive space.

Ready? Let’s go…

Who is Jamie Pritchard?

Jamie Pritchard is the Managing Director of Sales at Glenhawk.

Starting his career in the late 90s, Jamie quickly demonstrated his versatility and expertise across various roles, from addressing endowment and pension complaints to crafting an advised mortgage process at Principality BS.

At Precise Mortgages, as Head of Sales, Jamie led his team to multiple accolades, and now, as the Managing Director of Sales at Glenhawk, Jamie is at the forefront of introducing cutting-edge products and enhancing the broker and client experience.

His dedication has propelled Glenhawk’s success and solidified his reputation as an influential leader, underscored by his role as a board member of the ASTL and his recognition at the Specialist Lending Awards.

5 Key Lessons for Lenders:

  1. Embrace Change: The financial landscape is ever-evolving. Jamie’s career, marked by a willingness to adapt and innovate, shows that success often lies on the other side of adaptation. Embracing change, whether in technology, product offerings, or market strategies, is crucial.
  2. Focus on Customer Experience: At the heart of Jamie’s approach is a relentless focus on improving the broker and client journey. This customer-centric mindset is a blueprint for building loyalty, enhancing brand reputation, and driving business growth.
  3. Invest in Your Team: Jamie’s leadership at Precise Mortgages and Glenhawk demonstrates the importance of building and nurturing a stellar team. Recognising and developing talent, fostering a collaborative culture, and setting clear goals are pivotal for team success.
  4. Strategic Innovation is Key: Being the first to win consecutive awards and leading teams to new heights requires strategic innovation. Jamie’s career teaches us that thinking outside the box and pioneering new solutions can set you apart in a crowded market.
  5. Leadership Matters: Effective leadership goes beyond managing tasks. It’s about inspiring your team, setting a vision, and leading by example. Jamie’s role in steering companies through growth phases highlights the impact of visionary leadership.


Jamie Pritchard’s journey from the call center to the boardroom is a story of resilience, innovation, and strategic leadership.

For lenders looking to navigate the challenges of today’s financial services landscape, Jamie’s principles offer a solid foundation for success.

Dive into his story and let us know what you think!

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We are always open to collaborations with NRG Insights, feel free to get in touch on info@nrg-resourcing.co.uk


Strategic Moves in Big Lending with Adrian Maloney

Strategic Moves in Big Lending with Adrian Maloney

Steering a large lending operation like OSB Group requires skill, insight, strategy and crucially, experience.

This post features a deep dive into the world of big lending with Adrian Moloney, Group Intermediary Director at OSB Group.

For those involved in the financial services sector, Adrian’s perspectives share the unique challenges and approaches to success in large lending institutions.

Whether you’re a broker or a lender, aiming to break into a larger institution, this is a must-see post. In it, we’ll share some more about Adrian, and why you should listen to him, 5 key take-aways for lenders, alongside the full vide and audio conversation between Adrian and Marcus Nanson, Director at NRG Resourcing.

Ready? Let’s go…

Who is Adrian Moloney?

Adrian Moloney, the Group Intermediary Director at OSB Group. He ascending within the group, originally taking charge of all sales teams across the group’s lending brands.

Adrian honed his skills and vision at Nationwide and has a rich history in the industry, including impactful periods at Mortgage Trust and Portman Building Society.

His voice has become influential in the sector, not just for his keynote speeches but for his insightful commentary on the future directions of mortgage lending, earning him accolades like the Mortgage Personality of the Year and multiple wins at the British Specialist Lending Awards.

5 Strategic Insights for Lenders

  1. Embrace Strategic Flexibility: Large organisations must balance the scale of operations with the nimbleness required to adapt to market changes. Cultivating a culture of flexibility ensures that the organisation remains resilient in the face of industry shifts.
  2. Foster Team Synergy: Success in large-scale lending is not just about individual brilliance but about how effectively diverse teams work together. By aligning varied teams under a cohesive strategy, leaders can harness collective strengths to drive the organisation forward.
  3. Champion Industry Engagement: Active participation in industry conversations and initiatives is crucial. It positions leaders not only as thought leaders but also as pivotal figures shaping the future of lending, enhancing their organisation’s influence in the market.
  4. Innovate with Purpose: While smaller firms may adapt quickly, larger institutions have the advantage of resources to drive innovation. Use this scale to invest in technological advancements and service improvements that address market needs and set your organisation apart.
  5. Invest in Leadership Development: The complexity of steering a large lending operation underscores the need for continuous leadership development. Investing in your growth and that of your leadership team ensures the organisation is guided by a visionary yet pragmatic leadership style, ready to meet future challenges.


This episode with Adrian Maloney sheds light on the complexities of leading a significant lending operation, offering actionable takeaways for professionals across the financial services industry.

Whether you’re part of a large organisation or looking to grow your operation, Adrian’s Maloney’s expertise and insights offer valuable lessons in strategic leadership, team cohesion, and market innovation.

Did you enjoy this episode? Let us know what you think across the NRG Resourcing social channels.

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Insights, giveaways and latest updates follow us on LinkedInFacebook,
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We are always open to collaborations with NRG Insights, feel free to get in touch on info@nrg-resourcing.co.uk


Rising Through the Ranks in Lending with D’mitri Zaprazala

Rising Through the Ranks in Lending with D'mitri Zaprazala

In a world where the financial market’s only constant is change, the insights of industry veterans like D’mitri Zaprzala, CEO of Avamore Capital, are invaluable.

In the latest episode of the NRG Insights podcast, Marcus Nanson sits down with D’mitri to explore his journey from a humble cashier to the head of a leading financial institution.

This conversation isn’t just about tracing the career path of a successful individual, it’s about uncovering the strategic decisions, leadership qualities, and market insights that can help financial professionals navigate through turbulent times.

Whether you’re a lender, a broker, or an aspiring CEO, this episode offers a wealth of knowledge and actionable advice.

Who is D’mitri Zaprzala?

D’mitri Zaprzala’s progression in the financial services sector is proof of his strategic foresight and leadership skills. As the CEO of Avamore Capital since October 2021, he has been instrumental in steering the company through its growth phases, leveraging his extensive experience gained from over a decade at Octopus Real Estate, where he served as Head of Residential.

Outside of the office, he balances family life, a passion for Arsenal, and a dedication to personal development, as evidenced by his MBA from Alliance Manchester Business School.

6 Key Takeaways for Lenders from D’mitri Zaprzala:

  1. Embrace Change and Adaptability: Understand from D’mitri’s reflections how adaptability to market changes and a readiness to seize new opportunities can significantly impact your career and business growth.
  2. Pre-emptive Leadership: D’mitri illustrates the importance of exhibiting leadership qualities early in your career. Learn how proactive leadership can influence team dynamics and business outcomes long before you hold a formal leadership title.
  3. Trust as a Leadership Cornerstone: Discover the essential role of trust and authenticity in leadership, crucial for fostering successful team dynamics and navigating business transitions smoothly.
  4. Succession Planning is Key: Uncover the value of strategic succession planning and team loyalty. D’mitri’s insights offer a guide on building a resilient organisation that values mutual respect and shared goals.
  5. Feedback for Navigating Uncertainty: Learn strategies for soliciting genuine feedback and leading through uncertain times. D’mitri emphasises the need for clear communication and a positive outlook to steer your team effectively.
  6. Cultivating a Growth Mindset: Gain insight into D’mitri’s approach to leadership and management within the lending sector. He shares the significance of maintaining a growth-oriented mindset and the continuous pursuit of improvement to navigate the evolving financial landscape successfully.


This episode of NRG Insights is a mentorship session with one of the financial industry’s forward-thinking leaders.

D’mitri Zaprzala not only shares his career highlights and the lessons learned along the way but also offers strategies for those looking to make their mark in the financial world.

Lenders, brokers, and financial agents aiming to navigate the ever-changing tides of the market, should tune in to discover how they can apply these lessons to their own professional journeys.

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Insights, giveaways and latest updates follow us on LinkedInFacebook,
YouTube and Spotify just search NRG-Resourcing and subscribe or follow to be the first to access.

We are always open to collaborations with NRG Insights, feel free to get in touch on info@nrg-resourcing.co.uk


Building a Global Lending Empire with Hugh Wade-Jones

Building a Global Lending Empire with Hugh Wade-Jones

How does a company transition from a national success to a global powerhouse in the competitive world of lending?

What does it take to lead a business into uncharted financial waters and succeed?

In our latest episode of the NRG Insights podcast’s Lender Series, Marcus Nanson sits down with Hugh Wade-Jones, the newly appointed Chief Financial Officer of Tenn Capital, to uncover the answers.

As someone who has meticulously charted the course from the ground up to global acclaim, Hugh’s journey is nothing short of inspirational. Whether you’re a mortgage broker keen on broadening your horizons or a financial professional eyeing the global stage, this episode packs a wealth of knowledge, strategy, and real-world insights.

Who Is Hugh Wade Jones?

Hugh Wade Jones, the newly appointed Chief Financial Officer of Tenn Capital, has been a dynamic force in the financial services industry for over two decades.

His career, originating in the bustling environment of Alexander Hall and Foxton’s mortgage brokers, laid the foundation for a path into specialised lending.

In 2007, Hugh ventured to establish Ennis, targeting high net worth individuals and diversifying into comprehensive financial services, including innovative lending on stocks and shares. Amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Hugh and his partner Isla formalised their vision, leading to the birth of Tenn Capital.

Under Hugh’s stewardship, Tenn Capital has flourished, lending internationally and securing a coveted spot in the super-prime real estate market.

Six Key Take-Aways for Brokers and Financial Agents

  1. Embracing the Shift: Understand the strategic shifts required to transition from local brokerage to international lending, and how such shifts can redefine your business’s ceiling.
  2. The Art of Communication: Discover why prioritising direct, personal communication over emails can significantly enhance your business relationships and operational success.
  3. Strategic Team Dynamics: Uncover the secrets to building a team that mirrors your ambition and drive, fostering an environment where growth and cohesion coexist.
  4. Valuing Feedback and Mentorship: Explore the indispensable role of feedback and mentorship in crafting a successful career path and steering through market complexities.
  5. Agility in Market Navigation: The tactics that ensure business agility and resilience, essential for thriving in the unpredictable waves of the financial market.
  6. The Long Game: Learn from Hugh’s unwavering focus on long-term goals over immediate gains, a philosophy that has been pivotal in the sustained growth and success of Ten Capital.


Hugh Wade Jones’s story is a powerful reminder of what’s possible with vision and determination. From his early days to spearheading Tenn Capital’s rise, his journey is a roadmap for anyone looking to make their mark on the world stage.

Hugh’s journey provides actionable insights and strategies that can propel your business into the international arena. Whether you’re a seasoned broker or a financial agent eyeing the global market, this episode is your compass for navigating success in the complex world of lending.

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Insights, giveaways and latest updates follow us on LinkedInFacebook,
YouTube and Spotify just search NRG-Resourcing and subscribe or follow to be the first to access.

We are always open to collaborations with NRG Insights, feel free to get in touch on info@nrg-resourcing.co.uk


Hiring Mortgage Brokers: Employed vs Self-Employed

Hiring Mortgage Brokers: Employed vs Self-Employed

As we step into 2024, mortgage brokerages are facing a new set of challenges and opportunities. 

Since the 2020 pandemic, the landscape of work has evolved dramatically, and with these changes come crucial decisions for business owners, particularly in the mortgage brokerage sector. 

One such decision is whether to hire employed mortgage brokers or self-employed mortgage brokers. This choice can significantly impact your business’s flexibility, cost structure, and overall success.

In this guide, we’ll explore the pros and cons of each option, helping you navigate this important decision.

The Case for Hiring Employed Brokers

employed mortgage brokers

The stability and consistency offered by employed brokers is more valuable than ever. 

With the economic landscape constantly shifting, having a dedicated team can provide the steadiness needed to navigate uncertain times.

Here are the biggest advantages of employing in-house mortgage brokers for your brokerage.

Advantages of Employed Brokers

  • Steady Workforce: Employed brokers offer a stable and reliable workforce, which can be crucial for maintaining consistent service levels and building long-term client relationships.
  • Brand Loyalty and Development: Having employed brokers allows for a stronger company culture and brand loyalty, an essential point of separation in today’s competitive market.
  • Streamlined Management: Managing a team of employed brokers often leads to more streamlined operations, as you have more control over work schedules and processes.

Challenges with Hiring Employed Brokers

However, this model isn’t without its challenges. The financial and managerial commitment to employed brokers is significant and requires careful consideration.

The two key drawbacks with hiring in-house are:

  • Higher Overhead Costs: Employing brokers means additional costs such as salaries, benefits, and contributions to taxes and National Insurance.
  • Less Flexibility: Employed brokers may have less flexibility in their schedules, which could impact your ability to offer services outside standard business hours.

The Benefits of Self-Employed Brokersself employed mortgage brokers

The flexibility of self-employed brokers is an attractive proposition. They can provide agility and adaptability, which are crucial in responding to market changes and client demands.

Here’s why self-employed brokers might be the ideal way for you to grow your brokerage:

Advantages of Self-Employed Brokers

  • Adaptability to Market Changes: Self-employed brokers can quickly adapt to changing market conditions, providing your business with the agility to respond to fluctuating demands.
  • Diverse Skill Sets: They often bring a range of experiences and specialisations, adding value to your service offerings.
  • Cost-Effective Scaling: This option allows for scaling your workforce up or down without the long-term financial commitments associated with employed staff.

Challenges with Hiring Self-Employed Brokers

Relying on self-employed brokers can also present its own set of challenges, particularly in terms of consistency and control over service delivery.

  • Less Control: You have less oversight over the working methods and standards of self-employed brokers.
  • Inconsistent Availability: Self-employed brokers may juggle multiple clients, which could affect their availability and response times for your projects

Making the Right Decision for Your Brokerage

Your decision should be informed by a thorough analysis of your business’s current needs and future aspirations. Consider factors like workload consistency, financial flexibility, and long-term strategic goals.

  • Business Model and Volume: Consider your business’s operational model and the volume of work. Employed brokers might be better for steady, high-volume workloads, while self-employed brokers can handle fluctuating demands.
  • Budget and Financial Goals: Analyse your financial capacity. Employing brokers involves more fixed costs, whereas hiring self-employed brokers can be more variable and performance-based.
  • Long-Term Business Strategy: Think about your long-term goals. Do you value building a consistent team and brand, or do you prefer the agility and diverse skill sets of self-employed brokers?

Hiring Mortgage Brokers: Employed vs Self-Employed

In 2024, the decision to hire employed or self-employed brokers is a strategic choice that can shape the future of your business.

By understanding the advantages and challenges of each option, you can make a well-informed decision that aligns with your business objectives and positions you for success in the evolving marketplace.

Taking Action

If you’re committed to hiring high-quality, behaviourally suited talent, let’s connect and discuss how we can redefine your recruitment process, ensuring each new hire is not just an addition but a lasting asset to your mortgage business.

If you’re seeking a new role, or are searching for new talent, please click on the appropriate link to book a call with me today.

nadia knight


Finding Opportunities in Any Economic Climate with Gareth Lewis

Finding Opportunities in Any Economic Climate with Gareth Lewis

In the world of specialist lending, how do you stay ahead of the curve?

What strategies can lead a specialist lender to success in an industry known for its rapid changes and challenges?

For those curious about the answers, our latest post is a must-read. We dive deep into the knowledge of industry expert Gareth Lewis, Managing Director at MT Finance, an award-winning specialist lender.

These tips and strategies are a peek into Gareth’s 24-year-long journey in financial services, that include a treasure trove of actionable insights and lessons for anyone in the realm of specialist lending.

Who is Gareth Lewis?

With a career spanning over two decades, primarily focused on specialised lending, Gareth’s journey from building society to brokerage and finally to the bridging finance sector, is a demonstration of resilience, continuous learning, and the drive to be the best version of himself.

As Managing Director at MT Finance, he has helped to carved a niche for the company as an award-winning specialist lender, celebrated for its innovation, speed, and flexibility in property finance.

7 Things Specialist Lenders Can Learn from Gareth Lewis:

  1. The Importance of Continuous Learning: Stay updated with industry trends and never stop learning. Gareth’s journey underscores the necessity of evolving knowledge to stay competitive.
  2. Value of Understanding Transactions: Gareth transitioned from underwriting to sales, highlighting the importance of grasping all transaction aspects. This comprehensive understanding can enhance decision-making and client relations.
  3. Building Authentic Connections: Drawing from his rugby background, Gareth teaches us that genuine relationships are foundational to business success, especially in an industry built on trust and reliability.
  4. Navigating Hybrid Work Models: Learn how to strike the perfect balance in hybrid work environments. Gareth shares insights on maintaining productivity and fostering team dynamics, regardless of physical distances.
  5. Creating Effective Teams: Discover the role of work ethic and a growth-oriented mindset in building super teams that can navigate through market challenges and leverage opportunities.
  6. Strategising Product Expansion: Gareth’s experience with launching a buy-to-let lending arm showcases the importance of a logical progression and synergy in expanding product offerings. Specialist lenders can learn how to assess their strengths and market needs for successful diversification.
  7. Maintaining a Positive Business Outlook: In an industry as fluctuating as financial services, Gareth emphasises the significance of staying focused, understanding your unique positioning, and adopting a continuous improvement mindset. This positive outlook is crucial for overcoming obstacles and achieving long-term success.

Gareth Lewis’s insights provide a roadmap for specialist lenders aiming to navigate the complexities of the financial services market successfully. From foundational principles of continuous learning and authentic connections to strategic considerations in product expansion and maintaining a positive outlook, there’s much to learn from Gareth’s career.

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Insights, giveaways and latest updates follow us on LinkedInFacebook,
YouTube and Spotify just search NRG-Resourcing and subscribe or follow to be the first to access.

We are always open to collaborations with NRG Insights, feel free to get in touch on info@nrg-resourcing.co.uk

The UK Mortgage Broker
Salary Guide

Are you earning what you should be? Paying your team too much?

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