
Breaking the Mould in Lending with Asim Shirwani

Breaking the Mould in Lending with Asim Shirwani

How can a leader implement adaptability, strategic thinking, and leadership?

This blog focuses on the career and lessons of Asim Shirwani, Chief Commercial Officer at LendHub, sharing his journey through various roles in banking and the valuable lessons he has learned along the way.

Asim’s career offers insights for those looking to understand what it takes to succeed in finance. This post will delve into the milestones, the leading companies he has worked at, the prominent roles he has filled, and the economic struggles he has helped them through.

If you’re aiming to become a leader in lending, this is the place to learn how.

Who is Asim Shirwani?

Asim Shirwani began his finance career at NatWest as a field-based Business Development Manager. Recognised for his skills, Asim was headhunted by the Bank of Scotland during the creation of HBOS. He rose to Area Director, leading a team and managing an academy for graduates aspiring to sales careers.

Asim’s career continued to progress as he joined Barclays, gaining exposure to larger customers and more sophisticated borrowing needs. His time at Barclays coincided with the build-up to the 2008 financial crisis, teaching him invaluable lessons about crisis management and strategic planning.

Seeking a new challenge, Asim joined Metro Bank, known for its customer-centric approach. As Commercial Director, he played a key role in shaping the bank’s real estate team, emphasising innovation and client service. His contributions included developing and launching new finance propositions, and establishing a professional panel for the bank’s real estate team.

Today, Asim is the Chief Commercial Officer at LendHub, where he continues to apply his experience to drive the company’s success. He oversees the revamp of bridging and development finance products, ensuring strategic direction and operational excellence.

5 Key Takeaways for Commercial Brokers

  1. Adaptability is Crucial: Asim’s career demonstrates the importance of being adaptable, especially in times of economic uncertainty and industry changes. Being able to pivot and adjust strategies is essential for long-term success.
  2. Embrace Innovation: The rise of challenger banks like Metro Bank shows how innovation can disrupt traditional banking and create new opportunities. Staying ahead by adopting new technologies and approaches can set you apart from competitors.
  3. Building Strong Teams: Leading teams at HBOS and Metro Bank, Asim highlights the importance of fostering talent and creating supportive environments. A strong, cohesive team is vital for achieving goals and maintaining a competitive edge.
  4. Navigating Economic Crises: The financial crisis of 2008 and the COVID-19 pandemic taught Asim valuable lessons about resilience and strategic thinking during crises. Effective crisis management involves proactive planning and clear communication.
  5. Customer-Centric Approach: Throughout his career, Asim has focused on understanding and meeting customer needs, a crucial factor for success in financial services. Prioritising customer satisfaction helps build long-term loyalty and trust.


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Gaining Investment and Strategic Growth with Matt Coulson

Gaining Investment and Strategic Growth with Matt Coulson

Have you ever wondered what the right investment could do for your business?

Matt Coulson, co-founder of Heron Financial, joined us to explain how strategic investments and a growth mindset has shaped their success in the industry.

Why This Matters to You

Understanding how to leverage strategic investment and cultivate a forward-thinking business environment is crucial.

This blog explores Matt Coulson’s insights and practical strategies that have driven Heron Financial’s success.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your business model or implement cutting-edge technology, Matt’s journey offers valuable lessons on growth and resilience.

Who is Matt Coulson?

Matt Coulson co-founded Heron Financial in 2011.

His early experiences, especially navigating the challenges of the 2008 financial crisis, provided him with unique insights into the importance of adaptability and customer focus in financial services.

At Heron, Matt has been instrumental in integrating technology into every aspect of the business, ensuring services are both efficient and personalised.

His dedication to fostering talent through apprenticeships and his commitment to a client-centred approach have been key to Heron’s ongoing success and innovation.

5 Key Takeaways to Implement Today

  1. Embrace Technology: Just as Heron Financial has incorporated AI and data analytics, consider how technology can streamline your operations and enhance customer interaction.
  2. Cultivate a Supportive Culture: A competitive yet cooperative workplace fosters not only innovation but also dedication. Building a culture where team members feel valued and motivated is essential.
  3. Focus on Customer Satisfaction: Matt’s emphasis on customer focus has been a cornerstone of Heron’s strategy. Tailoring your services to meet and exceed customer expectations can significantly boost your business reputation and success.
  4. Invest in People: From apprentices to seasoned professionals, investing in your team’s growth and development leads to better service and innovation. Consider how apprenticeships or continuous learning can be part of your business model.
  5. Be Adaptable: The ability to pivot and adapt to market changes is more vital than ever. Take a page from Matt’s book and maintain flexibility in your strategies to meet evolving business and customer needs.

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The Work Ethic of a Leader with Emma Ross

The Work Ethic of a Leader with Emma Ross

How can relentless work ethic shape a successful career?

In this episode of NRG Insights, we dive into the world of commercial finance with Emma Ross, the driving force behind Ross Commercial Finance. From her early days at HSBC to leading her own enterprise, Emma’s journey is a masterclass in how hard hard work and passion can overcome challenges and seize opportunities.

In this chat with Marcus Nanson, she shares the crucial lessons she’s learned along the way and her approach to building a successful business.

Who is Emma Ross?

Emma Ross is Managing Director at Ross Commercial Finance, and her career in finance spans over 17 years, beginning at HSBC and transitioning to a specialised focus on commercial finance, which she passionately pursued for a decade.

Her professional journey is marked by significant achievements, including launching Ross Commercial Finance. Outside her professional life, Emma is a dedicated football mum and an avid concert-goer, celebrating her favourite bands like Biffy Clyro.

Her dedication to the industry was recognised when she won the NACFB Rising Star award in 2022.

5 Things Commercial Brokers Can Learn:

  1. Master the Fundamentals: Emma stresses the value of understanding the basics before jumping into more complex deals, providing a solid foundation that can enhance decision-making and client relationships.
  2. Stay Relevant: Transitioning from residential to commercial finance, Emma highlights how flexibility and willingness to learn new skills are essential for staying relevant and competitive in the finance industry.
  3. Building Relationships is Key: At the heart of Emma’s success is her focus on cultivating strong, lasting relationships with clients and stakeholders, proving that trust and personal connection can drive business growth.
  4. Mentorship Matters: Emma discusses the impact of having mentors and being a mentor, underscoring the benefits of gaining wisdom and passing it on to nurture the next generation of finance professionals.
  5. Maintaining Work Ethic: She advocates for a strong work ethic, not just to propel one’s career but also to inspire and set standards within the team, fostering an environment of commitment and success.

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Inclusivity and Empowerment with Jo Pocklington and Dominique Highfield

Inclusivity and Empowerment with Jo Pocklington and Dominique Highfield

How can strong leadership create more inclusivity in lending?

Building a successful career in lending requires more than just financial acumen – it demands resilience, strategic innovation, and a commitment to inclusivity.

This blog offers an exclusive look into the careers of Jo Pocklington and Dominique Highfield, who have both made significant strides in leadership within the financial services sector. Their journeys reveal not only the challenges they’ve overcome but also the strategies that have defined their success.

Who is Jo Pocklington?

Jo Pocklington is the Managing Director at Purplebricks Mortgages, transitioning from an early start in retail management to a pivotal role in the mortgage industry.

At Purplebricks Mortgages, Jo applies her extensive experience to enhance business operations and cultivate a high-performance culture, all while prioritising the customer experience.

Outside of her professional life, Jo is deeply involved in community netball, bringing the same leadership and passion to the sports field.

Who is Dominique Highfield?

Dominique Highfield serves as the Chief Operating Officer at Purplebricks, where her background as a Chartered Accountant has been invaluable in steering the company through significant transitions, including mergers and rebranding efforts.

At Purplebricks, she focuses on improving service delivery through technological integration and operational efficiency.

5 Things Lenders Can Learn from This Episode

  1. Embrace Change: Adaptability in leadership, as demonstrated by both Jo and Dominique, is crucial in navigating the financial services industry’s dynamic nature.
  2. Foster Inclusivity: Creating environments that celebrate diversity and inclusivity can significantly enhance team performance and innovation.
  3. Prioritize Mentorship: Investing in mentorship and development programs is key to nurturing future leaders and ensuring sustained business growth.
  4. Leverage Experience: Utilise past experiences and challenges as learning opportunities to refine strategies and operations.
  5. Balance Professional and Personal Growth: Successful leaders maintain a balance between their professional ambitions and personal life, which contributes to their overall effectiveness and satisfaction.

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The Battle for Brokers – How Does Your Proposition Stand Up?

The Battle for Brokers – How Does Your Proposition Stand Up?

Securing top-performing mortgage brokers—those who are not only skilled and driven but also a perfect fit for your company’s culture and philosophy—has become a serious challenge. 

As the industry shifts and the economy recovers, the competition has intensified not only for in-house talent but also for self-employed brokers. 

This shift means firms must work harder than ever to attract and retain the kind of brokers who close deals and enhance team dynamics.

In this blog, I explore tips and strategies for brokerages to do this.

Understanding the Competitive Landscape

The mortgage industry has weathered significant storms over the past decades, most notably the global economic crash of 2008, which led to a stagnant UK housing market and reduced lending availability. 

This downturn forced many brokers to either diversify their services or exit the industry altogether. Those who adapted by focusing on areas like protection sales managed to survive, but not without challenges.

As the market has recovered, the regulatory landscape tightened. The Mortgage Market Review (MMR) and subsequent regulations aimed at preventing another crash have inadvertently thinned the ranks of mortgage brokers further, as many did not meet new compliance standards. 

This regulatory squeeze, combined with a revived market, has created a high demand for skilled brokers but a reduced supply.

Today, as the market approaches its pre-2008 levels, the need for experienced mortgage and protection advisers is more pronounced than ever. 

Yet, the pool of available talent remains limited, intensifying the battle among firms to attract and secure top talent.

So, how can you attract top talent? 

Key Strategies to Attract and Secure Top Talent

Brokerages looking to attract and retain high-performing brokers must consider several factors that can make or break their recruitment efforts. 

Here’s what needs attention:

Competitive Financial Incentives

Compensation remains a primary factor for many brokers. 

Both base salary and commission structures need to be competitive and appealing to draw in the best. 

Given the high stakes, firms must not only match but try to exceed industry standards to lure top talent.

Empowering Self-Employed Brokers

With a growing shift towards hiring self-employed brokers, companies must provide strong incentives for these professionals who typically thrive on independence and higher potential earnings. 

However, aligning their success with the company’s goals is crucial to prevent them from feeling disconnected from the firm’s overall mission.

Lead Generation and Operational Support

Providing leads and operational support, such as efficient administrative and marketing resources, can significantly enhance a broker’s effectiveness and job satisfaction. 

These tools enable brokers to focus on what they do best—serving clients and closing deals—rather than getting bogged down by procedural tasks.

Flexible Working Conditions

In today’s market, flexibility is a significant draw. 

Offering flexible working conditions and remote work options can make a firm much more attractive to brokers who value work-life balance and autonomy.

Training and Career Development

Ongoing training and clear career pathways are essential for retaining ambitious brokers who are keen on advancing their professional skills and status within the industry.

Demonstrating a commitment to development can help firms build loyalty and reduce turnover.

Transparent and Minimal Network Fees

For self-employed brokers, transparency about network fees and other costs is vital. 

Clear, upfront communication about these expenses ensures that brokers feel informed and valued from the outset.


In an industry still recovering and evolving after significant upheavals, mortgage firms must do more than ever to attract and retain the best brokers. 

By focusing on competitive compensation, robust support systems, flexible work arrangements, and clear career progression opportunities, companies can position themselves as desirable places for top talent. 

The battle for brokers is indeed fierce, but with a thoughtful approach to what brokers need and value, your firm can stand out as a top choice in a competitive marketplace.

If you’re committed to hiring high-quality, behaviourally suited talent, let’s connect and discuss how we can redefine your recruitment process, ensuring each new hire is not just an addition but a lasting asset to your mortgage business.

If you’re seeking a new role, or are searching for new talent, please click on the appropriate link to book a call with me today.

nadia knight


How to Become a Lending Leader with James Briggs

How to Become a Lending Leader with James Briggs

How do you climb the ladder in the competitive world of lending?

This week, we delve into the professional journey of James Briggs, Head of Intermediary Sales at Together.

With a career that spans over two decades in the lending industry, James has navigated through numerous market cycles, technological shifts, and evolving client needs.

This blog post unpacks his invaluable experiences and offers actionable lessons for anyone looking to excel in the lending space.

Who is James Briggs?

James Briggs began his career in 1999 and quickly established himself as a key player in lending.

Currently Head of Intermediary sales for the Personal Finance at Together, James has a history of working with specialist lenders and distributors.

His knack for fostering strong partnerships has been pivotal in supporting packagers nationwide, ensuring that clients receive optimal lending solutions.

His approach goes beyond mere transactions, focusing on sustainable business growth and the long-term success of his clients and their customers.

5 Things Lenders Can Learn from James Briggs:

  1. Building Strong Relationships: James’s career underscores the importance of cultivating deep, meaningful connections with industry partners. These relationships are crucial for navigating the complexities of the lending world and ensuring client satisfaction.
  2. Adaptability in a Changing Market: Staying relevant means adapting to market changes swiftly and effectively. James’s ability to pivot and embrace new technologies and methodologies has been key to his enduring success.
  3. Client-Centric Strategies: Focusing on the needs and circumstances of clients has allowed James to develop tailored solutions that truly make a difference. This client-first approach is something all lenders can implement to enhance their service offerings.
  4. Leadership and Team Development: Effective leadership is about more than just guiding a team—it’s about inspiring and motivating people to achieve their best. James’s leadership style promotes professional growth and high performance among his team members.
  5. Continuous Learning and Improvement: The financial landscape is ever-evolving, and staying informed is non-negotiable. James commits to ongoing professional development, which is essential for anyone looking to advance in their career.

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Guiding Future Success in Lending with Roz Cawood

Guiding Future Success in Lending with Roz Cawood

How do successful leaders drive change and create inclusive environments in lending?

In this post, we explore the journey of Roz Cawood, Managing Director of Property Finance at Streambank, and how her experiences can guide and inspire lending professionals today.

From her early days at Natwest to her current leadership role, Roz has continuously broken barriers and paved the way for more inclusive practices in finance.

Who is Roz Cawood?

Roz Cawood’s career in specialist finance has been as dynamic as it has been influential. Starting at Natwest and quickly advancing to a management trainee at a building society, Roz’s leadership skills became evident early on.

By 25, she was leading a major team as Head of Operations, and her trajectory soared from there. Her roles have spanned across business development, strategic partnerships, and now, leading Property Finance at Streambank. Here, she not only drives business growth but also champions equality, diversity, and inclusion.

Roz is also an avid marathon runner who channels her energy into charity, raising funds for cancer research.

5 Key Insights for Lenders from Roz Cawood

  1. Adaptability in Leadership: Roz’s career shows the importance of adapting to new roles and challenges, teaching lenders the value of flexibility in a rapidly changing market.
  2. Fostering Inclusion: Learn how creating an inclusive environment can enhance team performance and drive innovation in financial services.
  3. Building Resilient Teams: Insights into how strong leadership can help teams navigate crises and emerge stronger, ready to tackle the financial market’s volatility.
  4. The Role of Mentorship: Roz emphasises the significance of mentorship in career growth, underscoring how experienced guidance can shape the future of upcoming finance professionals.
  5. Commitment to Personal Development: Her dedication to continuous learning and personal challenges, exemplifies the importance of personal growth alongside professional development.

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Mastering Market Dynamics with Josh Knight

Mastering Market Dynamics with Josh Knight

With the ever-changing dynamics of the lending industry, staying ahead requires not just expertise but also an innovative approach.

In our latest discussion, Josh Knight of Octane Capital delves into the subtleties of specialist lending, offering a fresh perspective on the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

Josh brings a unique blend of skills and experiences to the table. From making hundreds of cold calls a day in his early sales career to steering the sales and marketing strategies at Octane Capital.

This blog uncovers how Josh’s strategic thinking and market insights can benefit lenders and financial professionals looking to navigate the complexities of today’s property finance landscape.

Who is Josh Knight?

Graduating from the University of Leeds Business School with a degree in Management and Marketing, Josh quickly realised his passion for sales was more than just a job—it was a calling.

His early experiences in cold-calling taught him the resilience needed in sales, which he carried into his roles at Octopus Investments and Mariana Capital. However, it was at Octane Capital where Josh found his true calling in property finance, climbing up the ranks to become Sales and Marketing Director.

Today, he not only manages sales targets but also leads the sales team and oversees the company’s marketing efforts.

5 Things Lenders Can Learn?

  1. Adapt to Market Needs: Understand the specific needs of your market and adapt your strategies accordingly.
  2. Foster Strong Relationships: Building lasting relationships with clients and stakeholders can significantly impact your business success.
  3. Embrace Continuous Learning: The lending industry is continuously evolving, making it essential to stay informed and adaptable.
  4. Prioritise Team Development: Investing in your team’s growth and development is key to maintaining a competitive edge.
  5. Innovate Strategically: Innovation isn’t just about adopting new technologies but also about thinking creatively to solve problems.

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Optimism in the Market with Brad Rhodes

Optimism in the Market with Brad Rhodes

How can mortgage brokers navigate the current market with confidence?

In this week’s blog post, Marcus is joined by Brad Rhodes from Pepper Money to discuss this, and much more.

The lending industry demands adaptability, foresight and human touch, and Brad shares valuable insights on staying ahead in 2024 that adopt these strategies, blending his rich background from the Royal Air Force to his role in the mortgage industry today.

Who is Brad Rhodes?

Brad Rhodes is the National Key Account Manager at Pepper Money.

Brad’s military background laid the foundation for his disciplined approach to challenges, a trait that he’s carried into his mortgage career.

His path through retail banking and specialist lending, culminating in his role at Pepper Money, highlights a commitment to excellence and innovation. Brad’s insights are particularly relevant now, as the mortgage market navigates through unpredictable waters.

5 Things Mortgage Brokers Can Learn from Brad Rhodes?

  1. Understand Market Dynamics: Grasp the underlying forces that shape today’s mortgage rates and lending practices. This understanding will allow you to predict and act on what’s to come.
  2. Client Relations: Master the art of client communication, ensuring they’re informed and prepared for market shifts.
  3. Service Diversification: Expand your offerings to include holistic financial planning, from mortgages to protection and insurance.
  4. Lifelong Learning: Stay ahead with continuous professional development, keeping pace with market and regulatory changes.
  5. Network: Forge and maintain strong connections within the industry for mutual growth and opportunities

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Driving Success with Company Culture with Sundeep Patel

Driving Success with Company Culture with Sundeep Patel

How can a lender stand out in today’s competitive market?

In an industry as competitive as ours, understanding the inner workings of successful leaders can offer actionable strategies for aspiring leaders and brokers.

Sundeep Patel, Director of Bridging at United Trust Bank, recently shared his journey and insights on the NRG Insights podcast, providing a fresh perspective on leadership, market dynamics, and the importance of culture within the lending sector.

Who is Sundeep Patel?

Sundeep Patel is the Director of Bridging at United Trust Bank. With over twenty years under his belt in financial services, Sundeep has a wealth of experience, knowledge and strategies.

At Together, as the Director of Sales, Sundeep showcased his leadership skills, guiding the company through the pandemic’s challenges, revamping their approach to working with intermediaries, and setting new strategic goals.

Before making his mark at Together, Sundeep played a key role at Precise Mortgages as National Sales Manager. He’s well-regarded for his in-depth market knowledge, dedication to ongoing education, and drive for innovation.

5 Things Lenders Can Learn from Sundeep Patel?

  1. Building Strong Relationships: Success in lending hinges on the strength of your relationships. Sundeep’s career is a testament to the power of genuine connections within the industry.
  2. Continuous Learning: The lending market is ever-evolving. Staying informed and adaptable ensures you can navigate changes effectively.
  3. Creating a Supportive Culture: A positive workplace culture is crucial for team engagement and success. Sundeep’s leadership style prioritises inclusivity and support.
  4. Navigating Market Changes: Adaptability in the face of market fluctuations is key. Sundeep’s resilience through various market challenges offers valuable lessons.
  5. Fostering Team Success: Leading by example and encouraging team development has been central to Sundeep’s success in building award-winning teams.

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